Monday, February 18, 2008

Download Movie: Fight Club

Download Movie: Fight Club

Year : 1999 IMDb votes : 189144 IMDb rating : 8.60
Directors : Fincher, David
acid airplane airport alter-ego anarchism anarchy angst anti-capitalism anti-conformity anti-establishment anti-hero anti-social bare-knuckle-fighting based-on-book based-on-novel beating black-comedy black-eye black-humor blackmail blood blood-splatter bombing boxing breaking-the-fourth-wall breasts brutality burned-up-car car-crash chakra chemical cigarette-smoking clinic club confrontation consumerism controversial counter-culture crying cult cult-favorite death decadence defacing-property degradation deja-vu despair dildo disgruntled-worker disturbing dream-like dystopian electric-shaver exploding-building explosion fall-down-stairs female-nudity fight-scene fight-the-system fight-with-self fire fisticuffs flashback-sequence flashback-sequence freeze-frame friendship-between-men gang gore graphic-violence group-therapy group-work gun-in-mouth head-shaving homoerotic homoeroticism hopelessness ice-cave identity imagery immaturity insanity insomnia interrogation liposuction loneliness madness masochism meals-on-wheels meditation mental-illness narration neo-noir newspaper-clippings nihilism nipples nudity office old-dark-house paranoia penguin penis plane-crash plot-twist police product-placement projectionist psychological-drama psychological-thriller psychomania psychotic rage reality realization sadism satire secret-society self-destructive self-inflicted-burn-injury self-inflicted-gunshot-wound self-mutilation severe-tire-damage sex sex-scene sexism shock-in-the-end shot-in-the-head shot-through-the-mouth soap social-satire split-personality spoiler-in-keywords starbucks-coffee subliminal-message suicide-attempt support-group surreal television-news terrorism terrorist testicular-cancer title-spoken-by-character twist-ending twist-in-the-end urination urination-scene vandalism violence violent-movie visionary voice-over volkswagen-beetle vomit-scene vulgarity waiter white-collar wilmington-delaware young-girl You're young. You have an easy, well-paid deskjob. You have a condo, Swedish furniture, artistic coffee tables and a fridge full of condiments. Yet you feel emotionally and spiritually empty. You eventually find comfort in going to support groups for lukemia and cancer victims when there's nothing wrong with you until they're hijacked from you by another faker. Then you meet Tyler Durden, a man that shows you that not only can you live without material needs but that self-destruction, the collapse of society and making dynamite from soap might not be such a bad idea either.

Genres: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller
Actors : Norton, Edward=Narrator
  • Pitt, Brad=Tyler Durden
  • Bonham Carter, Helena=Marla Singer
  • Meat Loaf=Robert 'Bob' Paulson
  • Grenier, Zach=Richard Chesler
  • Arquette, Richmond=Intern
  • Andrews, David=Thomas
  • Maguire, George=Group Leader
  • Bondurant, Eugenie=Weeping Woman
  • Cabot, Christina=Group Leader
  • Colston, Sydney 'Big Dawg'=Speaker
  • Singer, Rachel=Chloe
  • Cronenweth, Christie=Airline Attendant
  • De Zarn, Tim=Inspector Bird
  • Buzzington, Ezra=Inspector Dent
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    Movie download: Fight Club