Thursday, May 8, 2008

Download Movie: Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Download Movie: Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Year : 2003 IMDb votes : 19340 IMDb rating : 6.00
Directors : Nispel, Marcus
1970s bad-teeth barbed-wire based-on-ed-gein basement blood blood-splatter body-count boyfriend-girlfriend-relationship car-trouble chainsaw chainsaw-murder cop cow cowboy-hat crucifixion crying-baby death directorial-debut disfigurement dismemberment disturbing fall-down-stairs forensic-evidence full-moon gas-station gas-station-attendant gore heavy-rain hit-by-car hole-in-wall homicide hung-by-hook impalement independent-film insanity interrogation kidnapping leatherface lock-pick locker-room meat-cleaver meat-hook mercy-killing moon mother-son-relationship murder mutilation narration newspaper-clippings obese-woman obscene-finger-gesture one-armed-man piano pig piñata police police-car police-officer police-officer-killed pot-smoking profanity psychopath remake remake-of-cult-film road-trip serial-killer severed-arm severed-ear severed-face severed-finger severed-foot severed-head severed-nose shot-in-the-head shot-through-the-mouth small-town-sheriff suicide tank-top thrown-through-window torture trailer-home trucker twist-in-the-end violence voice-over wet-t-shirt wheelchair white-trash A group of college kids, on their way back from scoring drugs in Mexico, run into a hitchhiker who has just survived a horrific massacre from the night before. They try to help the girl, but in the process end up falling prey to her mysterious fear. It happens to be wielding a chainsaw...

Genres: Crime, Horror, Thriller
Actors : Biel, Jessica=Erin
  • Vogel, Mike=Andy
  • Balfour, Eric=Kemper
  • Bryniarski, Andrew=Thomas Hewitt (Leatherface)
  • Leerhsen, Erica=Sheriff Hoyt
  • German, Lauren=Teenage Girl
  • Evans, Terrence=Old Monty
  • Marich, Marietta=Luda May
  • Kafka, Heather=Henrietta
  • Lamkin, Kathy=Tea Lady in Trailer
  • Leland, Brad=Big Rig Bob
  • Meek, Mamie=Clerk
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    Movie download: Texas Chainsaw Massacre